The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has received further information relating to the application for a licence for dredging at Goodwin Sands under Part 4 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (“the 2009 Act”). This further information has been provided in response to points raised in the initial consultation.
A 42 day public consultation on the further information is due to start from the day Dover Harbour Board places a notice publicising the further information.
The public notice is due to be advertised in the East Kent Mercury, Dover Express and the Fishing News on 6th October 2016 and expected to end on 16th November 2016.
For convenience, the new files can be viewed online below:
- goodwin-sands-preliminary-monitoring-plan added 8/10/16
- 20161007_goodwin_sands_aggregate_dredging_wsi added 8/10/16
- 160923_Goodwin Sands MLA_Further Environmental Information_Final
Further Environment Agency points:
- 20160913-environment-agency-further-consultation-response
- 160927_goodwin_sands_mla_response-to-ea_wfd_final
- 20161004-environment-agency-further-consultation-response
These documents can also be downloaded from the MMO site. Search for the marine licence application under the reference MLA/2016/00227. Click View Application and Documents. Then scroll down until you see Further
Updates on the application can be viewed at the Selected Cases part of the MMO website.
Should you wish to make further representations above any you have already provided, then please email by the end of the public consultation period, 16 November 2016.
David Morris
Marine Licensing Case Officer
Her Majesty’s Government – Marine Management Organisation
Lancaster House
Hampshire Court
Newcastle upon Tyne